Data Science Prep Course

Data Science Prep Course

Data Science Prep Course

Prerequisite part-time prep course for LearningFuze's Full-Time and Part-Time Data Science programs.

Prerequisite part-time prep course for LearningFuze's Full-Time and Part-Time Data Science programs.

Prerequisite part-time prep course for LearningFuze's Full-Time and Part-Time Data Science programs.

intro to data science student
intro to data science student
intro to data science student


This 2-week, online Data Science prep course is a prerequisite for our Full-Time and Part-Time Data Science programs, offering a strong foundation in crucial skills for data scientists.


Practice the fundamental concepts of data science foundations part-time

Hands-on project

Build a hands-on project using essential analytics, real-world data, and key libraries

Expert instructors

Receive 1:1 personalized support from experts with 20+ years of experience

Up-to-date curriculum

Follow a custom curriculum crafted by LearningFuze to develop an in-demand skill set

group of students on computer
group of students on computer
group of students on computer

Part-time Data Science Prep Course

Part-time Data Science Prep Course

How the course works

How the course works

How the course works

Our Data Science prep course includes 25+ lessons and exercises featuring real-world projects, coding exercises, and skill assessments.

All students who wish to enroll in the Full-Time and Part-Time Data Science courses must pass a technical assessment and successfully complete a behavioral interview to be admitted.

Our Data Science prep course includes 25+ lessons and exercises featuring real-world projects, coding exercises, and skill assessments.

All students who wish to enroll in the Full-Time and Part-Time Data Science courses must pass a technical assessment and successfully complete a behavioral interview to be admitted.

Our Data Science prep course includes 25+ lessons and exercises featuring real-world projects, coding exercises, and skill assessments.

All students who wish to enroll in the Full-Time and Part-Time Data Science courses must pass a technical assessment and successfully complete a behavioral interview to be admitted.

Mon, Tues, Ths

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm PST

July 8th

Upcoming dates




2 weeks, 6 sessions


None Required



Enrollment path

Enrollment path

Enrollment path

This Data Science prep course is a prerequisite for our Full-Time and Part-Time Data Science programs.

This Data Science prep course is a prerequisite for our Full-Time and Part-Time Data Science programs.

This Data Science prep course is a prerequisite for our Full-Time and Part-Time Data Science programs.

Step 1: You are here

Step 2: Behavioral interview

Step 3: Technical assessment

Step 4: Program admittance

Step 5: Career services

Data Science Prep Course

Step 1: You are here


Basic statistics

Data structures

Functions and classes

Hands-on Kaggle project

Debugging & Prototyping

Behavioral interview

Step 2: Getting to know you

Assess soft skills

Explore past experiences

Discuss desired outcomes

Level-set commitment

Provide feedback

Technical assessment

Step 3: JavaScript knowledge

Conditionals, loops, and data structures

Writing functions and creating classes

Python packages

Measures of centrality/variability

Hypothesis testing

Program admission

Step 4: Step-by-step support

Curriculum details


Support resources

Schedule and roadmap

Enrollment instructions

Career services

Step 5: Guidance for your journey

Job placement assistance

Resume and portfolio support

Interview coaching

Networking opportunities

Job search strategies

What makes us different?

In-person and remote live instruction

Students will maximize their experience and learning by having direct interaction with instructors, whether attending in-person or live online, around the fundamental concepts of data science.

Daily support from your dedicated data coach

Students are never truly alone, even when working after hours. Each cohort has a dedicated Slack channel and data coach, available outside class hours to answer questions.


+ How long is the Data Science prep course?

2 weeks with classes held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 7:00 pm — 9:00 pm PST.

+ What’s the class schedule?

The Data Science prep course is a remote, part-time course that consists of 6 classes:

  • 2 Mondays (6:30 pm PT - 8:30 pm PT)
  • 2 Tuesdays (6:30 pm PT - 8:30 pm PT)
  • 2 Thursdays (6:30 pm PT - 8:30 pm PT)

+ Who teaches the Data Science prep course?

The course is taught by Data Scientists with 30+ years of experience. In addition to the instructors, students have access to a data science-specific career coach.

+ What is the curriculum?

Our modern Data Science prep course curriculum includes concepts such as:

  • Data science methodologies
  • Python
  • Flow control
  • Data structures
  • Functions and classes
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Measures of centrality
  • Inferential stats

+ Is the Data Science prep class taught in-person?

No, our data science prep course is taught live, online.

+ Can anyone take the Data Science prep course?

Yes, the course is open to everyone, regardless of skill level. However, students should self-study, at minimum, coding and math before taking the course. We offer a free Python prep course for prospective students.

Ready to get started?

Dive deeper into the part-time course structure while learning about how we have a deep commitment to your education and career.

Ready to get started?

Dive deeper into the part-time course structure while learning about how we have a deep commitment to your education and career.

Ready to get started?

Dive deeper into the part-time course structure while learning about how we have a deep commitment to your education and career.