Career Services

Career Services

Career Services

We don't just help students find jobs, we help build careers. Unleash your potential with 1:1 career coaching to kickstart your career in tech.

We don't just help students find jobs, we help build careers. Unleash your potential with 1:1 career coaching to kickstart your career in tech.

We don't just help students find jobs, we help build careers. Unleash your potential with 1:1 career coaching to kickstart your career in tech.

plant on shelf in career services department
plant on shelf in career services department
plant on shelf in career services department

Our Commitment

At LearningFuze we're committed to providing high quality career development education to foster success in the job search and workplace.

In Program Support

Starting to prepare early allows our students to hit the job search faster and land a job within 6 months post-program.

coding student in career workshop
coding student in career workshop
coding student in career workshop


Learn how to avoid job scams, salary negotiation tactics, tips to overcome imposter syndrome, networking on LinkedIn, and more with our curated workshops during and post-program.

LinkedIn & resume reviews

On average, our graduates took 2.87 months to land a role in tech throughout 2020.

Mock interviews

Participate in behavioral and technical mock interviews with real-world engineers to help prepare for interviews with hiring managers.


We provide workshops, events, and community outreach tactics to help you build confidence networking with potential employers, peers, and the tech community in your respective area.

Post Program Support

The last month of each course is dedicated to preparing you for the job hunt. You'll continue to have access to support once you land a job and beyond.

career services director explaining topic
career services director explaining topic
career services director explaining topic

1:1 Career counseling

Get 1-on-1 support from the Career Services Director including resume and LinkedIn support, interview preparation, and coaching.

Real-world projects

Students can join the LearningFuze incubator to land opportunities for paid and real-world development and data contract projects with small businesses.

Job referrals

We're proud to have an employer network of over 300 hiring partners. When junior roles become available, our partners reach out directly to our career services department for student referrals to fill those roles.

Application support

Get feedback to tailor your cover letter, resume, and job applications to the roles you apply to and be held accountable for taking charge of your job search.


We're on Handshake

LearningFuze is proud to be a part of the Handshake community!

Handshake is the number one networking platform used by colleges, bootcamps, and post-secondary programs nationwide where schools, companies, and students come together to discover and fulfill hiring needs.

We would love to learn more about your company and invite you to connect with our school on Handshake.

Get started with Handshake for employers

Dive Deeper

Learn more about the career support and events LearningFuze students can access

Hire a grad

LearningFuze has over 300 preferred hiring partners throughout Southern California and nationwide.

LearningFuze has over 300 preferred hiring partners throughout Southern California and nationwide.

LearningFuze has over 300 preferred hiring partners throughout Southern California and nationwide.

Lunch & Learns

Monthly speaking engagements hosted by LearningFuze featuring graduates working in the field and community partners.

Monthly speaking engagements hosted by LearningFuze featuring graduates working in the field and community partners.

Monthly speaking engagements hosted by LearningFuze featuring graduates working in the field and community partners.

Demo Day

Students showcase their final project to employers and demonstrate what they've learned throughout the program.

Students showcase their final project to employers and demonstrate what they've learned throughout the program.

Students showcase their final project to employers and demonstrate what they've learned throughout the program.

Ready to get started?

Dive deeper into the part-time course structure while learning about how we have a deep commitment to your education and career.

Ready to get started?

Dive deeper into the part-time course structure while learning about how we have a deep commitment to your education and career.

Ready to get started?

Dive deeper into the part-time course structure while learning about how we have a deep commitment to your education and career.