Simplify your hiring

Simplify your hiring

Simplify your hiring

Hire your next developer or data professional with confidence.

Hire your next developer or data professional with confidence.

Hire your next developer or data professional with confidence.

LearningFuze front entrance sign
LearningFuze front entrance sign
LearningFuze front entrance sign

Build a talent pipeline, save money on recruiting

LearningFuze is dedicated to referring highly skilled full-stack web developers and data professionals from our alumni network at no cost.

  1. Fill out the form

Indicate your open positions, qualifications, timeline, and project requirements below

  1. Calibration

Our Career Services Director will reach out to understand your unique hiring needs

  1. Get matched

Get a curated list of our top alumni who match your skills requirements

  1. Hire candidates

Interview and hire your perfect candidate with absolutely no cost or placement fees

data science student at desk
data science student at desk
data science student at desk

Get matched with skilled graduates

Get matched with skilled graduates

At LearningFuze, we have a rigorous admissions process. This process allows us to select the students who embody LearningFuze values and represent the best skills, attitude, and propensity for learning.

LearningFuze student values:

Growth Mindset




See what our existing hiring partners have to say

We've built a strong network of over 300 hiring partners, and there's a reason they continue to hire LearningFuze grads.

I'm very pleased to say the LFZ developers we hired are thriving on our team. Not only would I recommend LearningFuze to others, but also will consider them my first source when hiring any future developer candidates. Their referral process was easy and seamless. Their response was immediate, professional, and helpful.

Kristi Ormonde, VP of People & Culture at Focus 360

We love hiring LFZ graduates because they're up to speed on cutting-edge technology and are taught how to solve problems. They understand how to approach the unknown, and do so fearlessly!

Sean Dailey, VP of Culture & Partnerships at Ytel

Hire graduates with on-the-job training

We believe our graduate's success goes beyond a state of the art curriculum.

Our curriculum is taught in a simulated work environment and features real-world projects so our graduates are ready to excel once hired. Our program features:

An agile methodology with standups

Professional online communication via Slack

Independent problem solving

Ability to learn new frameworks solely using available documentation

Submitting code to senior instructors for review

coding bootcamp instructor with class
coding bootcamp instructor with class
coding bootcamp instructor with class

Dive Deeper

Dive Deeper

Dive Deeper

Dive Deeper

Join the LearningFuze tech community and meet our graduates

Hire a grad

Join over 300 companies as a preferred hiring partner and get access to tailored referrals for your open job postings.

Join over 300 companies as a preferred hiring partner and get access to tailored referrals for your open job postings.

Join over 300 companies as a preferred hiring partner and get access to tailored referrals for your open job postings.

Lunch & Learns

Become a one-time or recurring guest speaker for our monthly lunch & learns hosted for current LearningFuze students.

Become a one-time or recurring guest speaker for our monthly lunch & learns hosted for current LearningFuze students.

Become a one-time or recurring guest speaker for our monthly lunch & learns hosted for current LearningFuze students.

Demo Day

Learn more about the work that comes from students and alumni in this quarterly event and support junior tech professionals.

Learn more about the work that comes from students and alumni in this quarterly event and support junior tech professionals.

Learn more about the work that comes from students and alumni in this quarterly event and support junior tech professionals.

Ready to upskill your workforce?

Get a state of the art training solution built exclusively for your team

Ready to upskill your workforce?

Get a state of the art training solution built exclusively for your team

Ready to upskill your workforce?

Get a state of the art training solution built exclusively for your team

Ready to upskill your workforce?

Get a state of the art training solution built exclusively for your team